Empower Your People to Deliver Business Excellence Chris Bell

Tuesday 2 July 2013, 1:31PM

By Customer Experiences Ltd


The rules of management are changing especially around the areas of customer service and customer experience delivery. Those that are slow to change will be at a clear disadvantage

Up until now control has been the number one tool for most managers. Managers have been using processes and procedures designed to control employee’s performance. This has given managers the ability to hold employees accountable and control performance uniformity.

In a customer focused culture a clear shift of power must take place if a consistent quality customer experience is going to be delivered. That doesn’t mean that processes and systems and accountability are thrown out the door. What it means is those processes and systems are developed and embraced to ensure a quality customer experience is consistently delivered.

Delivering a consistent quality customer experience is the result of a choice and that choice is made by the people delivering the experience. They have all the power. Everyday your people make choices that determine the experience your customers have with your organisation and the results of those choices directly impact your bottom line.

This choice just got more achievable with the introduction of a unique on-line customer experience development programme created by Chris Bell Managing Director of Customer Experiences a company specialising in the development of high quality employee and customer experiences

When the main goal of an organisation is to deliver excellence across all customer touch points, procedures and process need to be flexible. The days of a business delivering a one size fits all model, have gone. Customers now want to accentuate their differences and are demanding a more individualised and tailored approach. This can only be delivered where high employee empowerment exists.

Creating a culture that invites, motivates and supports such performance is the way to develop business excellence, this culture then becomes the everyday behaviour throughout the organisation i.e. “the way we do things around here”.

Gaining commitment to a business excellence strategy that ensures total engagement happens as the result of this statement – “your people support what they create”. Your people develop the strategy not management. This approach ensures not only support and commitment but the on-going development of the experience to ensure it continues to surprise, excite and add real customer value, resulting in greater customer loyalty and advocacy.

Allowing and encouraging everyone to be involved in the development of the experience an organisation consistently delivers to its customers is a very scary prospect for most organisations.
Its also the major reason employee disengagement is so high in this country and the prime reason more customers are not having more great experiences resulting in a high focus on price as its only competitive advantage.

This lack of focus on business excellence will continue until business leaders understand that in today’s economy customers now have much more power due to the share amount of choice available.

In 2013 business must realise that in a world of excess, uniformity and repetition, people buy experiences, not products or services. When people feel good about their experiences, they will not only return but will tell their friends and many others via social media. Get it wrong and today many more will hear about it via those same social media channels. 


Customer Experiences is a NZ based organisations specialising in the developing of high quality customer experiences. For further information – contact Chris Bell Managing Director Customer Experiences Ltd email             

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