Bodyneed Sports Massage and Sports Physiotherapy in Ponsonby

Tuesday 14 September 2010, 10:45AM

By Bodyneed Ponsonby - Auckland Physio and Massage Specialists



The Auckland Marathon is only 6 weeks away
Many people are starting to realise that it's called a 'marathon' for a reason.....long hard work.
Staying focussed on the goal and working towards that finishing line is of the utmost importance.

For the past nine years Bodyneed Ponsonby has been providing high quality sports massage for many of the competitors.
This year is no different, however now that Bodyneed have sports physiotherapy too they are able to help the marathoners more than ever! Everything under one roof.

Drawing on the many years of experience and knowlege at Bodyneed here is their list of marathon training must haves:

1. A personalised training programme - written just for you, takes into consideration your current level and your specific goals
2. Good running shoes - most marathon runners will go through one pair every 6 months - if yours are already old be prepared to get some more as required
3. A fortnightly high quality sports massage - then weekly in the 6 weeks leading up to the event - this is your best way to prevent injury, speed recovery and jump on any possible issues before they start.
4. If you do need physiotherapy use the best - a sports physio who treats with longer appointments, 30 minutes to 1 hour will get you better results, faster. Bodyneed is your answer.
5. Core Strength training is absolute - the number one casue of injury in runners is through lack of core strength and stability - look for well trained personal trainers or Physiotherapists who use Pilates as the basis for rehabilitation - make sure they have worked with runners before.
6. Follow a plan for your nutrition - getting your food and water intake right through training and the event can make or break your sucess.
7. Buddy up with fellow runners - it'll make it easier to get through the ups and downs

Carl Marsters recently moved up from Wellington, where he was doing alot of running, and after a two week break of settling into Auckland life, began to hit the streets again.
"I was doing fine for a while then little niggles started to occur. Before they got worse I had a look on the internet for sports massage or physiotherapy in Ponsonby and found Bodyneed. Yeah they are a god send and soon had me sorted" said Carl "Really happy - my advice is to give them a shot!"

With 10 massage therapists and 3 physio's Bodyneed are the leaders in treating any niggles or to keep you in shape.

Good luck to everyone training for the event this year - with careful planning you will enjoy yourself.