Debris Flow Report Released

Tuesday 18 December 2012, 3:40PM

By Tasman District Council



The Tasman District Council has received the final report on the debris flow hazard in Ligar Bay and Pohara in Golden Bay prepared by the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Ltd (GNS). The report was commissioned as part of the recovery work following the rain event of December 2011.

The report is now available for download from the Council website:


Council staff will prepare a scoping report on the debris flow hazard and its implications to the Council, Council assets and private landowners. This will include consideration of the various response options available to the Council and their associated risks alongside an assessment of the GNS’ recommendations contained in the report.

The scoping report will be tabled, along with the GNS report, to a Council meeting early in 2013. This will be an opportunity for Councillors to consider the report and assess what response may be taken and to direct staff accordingly.

Council staff remain available to assist with any queries about the report’s contents and the debris flow hazard. Any comments people believe the Council should include in their analysis should be emailed to, or made in writing to the Council before 31 January 2013.