Argus Fire Protection Have Moved To Neilson Street In Onehunga

Thursday 19 March 2015, 1:51PM

By Beckie Wright


Argus Fire Protection Services have moved their Auckland base operations and Head Office to new and larger premises in Onehunga’s Neilson Street. As Jacqui Bensemann, Argus Fire’s Managing Director says this is due to company expansion in this region and further expansion throughout the rest of New Zealand and significant growth over the last eight years.

Due to customer demand, Argus Fire have also opened two new ‘hubs’ – one in Tauranga and one in Christchurch, which have both been established in response to requests to work on ‘new build’ contracts in these regions. Argus Fire Protection cover Whangarei, Auckland, Hamilton, Rotorua and Wellington as well, with full sized branches providing the full suite of services required.

Overseeing Argus Fire Protection business operations and client relationships Jacqui has 25 years’ experience in the fields of banking, public accountancy, management consultancy and general management both in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Her experience encompasses fourteen years exclusively in the fire protection industry. Jacqui’s mantra is, "We protect what you value - your people, your business or livelihood and your premises - and we do it through fire protection and keeping your buildings compliant".

Argus Fire Protection Services have been servicing the upper North Island for the past 29 years and, have an enviable reputation for highly skilled, industry experienced team members. They attract and retain the best in the business and the most promising young practitioners, as they recognise their success and their clients’ success is dependent on the people within the Argus Fire team. Argus promotes an active culture of professional development and supports all team members through ongoing training to ensure continual experiential learning and skills development. All of the Argus Fire team attend Health and Safety training and eligible technicians have completed or are currently enrolled in the industry training programme and their commitment to their staff ensures that their partners and clients receive the highest level of service at all times. 

The team at Argus also pride themselves on developing a partnership relationship with all their clients. This has resulted in outstanding client loyalty demonstrated by Argus retaining 90% of the clients they held 20 years ago. It is also important to note that Argus looks to the future to ensure that their clients' property and people are protected now and as their business continues to grow. As such, Argus's proposed fire protection solutions offer flexibility for future growth and development.

To this end, their move to new and bigger premises will ensure this continues. Please go to .