The Benefits of Juicing Wheatgrass With an OSCAR Juicer

Thursday 28 September 2017, 1:59PM

By Beckie Wright


Wheatgrass is baby wheat, and grown at home and chewed or juiced, it is a fast and highly effective way to eliminate internal waste from the body. This cleansing allows the proper absorption of nutritious foods, and juicing wheatgrass with an OSCAR juicer ensures you are able to absorb all its nutrients.

The benefits of this complete food were rediscovered by Dr Ann Wigmore in 1960. It's the cream of the grass family crop, high in chlorophyll, vitamins, enzymes, and protein and has no starch. The chlorophyll molecule of wheatgrass closely resembles hemoglobin found in human red blood cells. Pollution and processed and cooked food have destroyed many of our digestive enzymes, and juiced, chewed or implanted wheatgrass juice is so rich with green chlorophyll and enzyme liquid food that the body is immediately set on the path of detoxification. It increases the elimination of hardened mucus, crystallized acids and solidified, decaying fecal matter.

Wheatgrass juice has many anti-aging properties including Vitamins A, B complex, C and E, super oxide dismutase and a full spectrum of minerals and trace elements. It benefits the blood cells, bones, glands, the kidneys, liver, muscles, spleen and teeth. It also provides concentrated sources of selenium which helps eliminate toxic heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic.

Most wheat allergies are due to the gluten found in the wheat berry. Wheatgrass is cut before the plant forms a grain (berry) and therefore has no gluten. It's an excellent addition to the diet of a person with allergies. Drink only 30ml of wheatgrass juice mixed with water to begin. The high enzyme content produces an immediate reaction with toxins and mucus in the stomach, often making you feel a little nauseous. This means it's needed and should be taken regularly. Increase the juice to 60ml if you can or mix with indoor greens such as sprouts, celery, parsley or spinach to make it more palatable.

Juicing wheatgrass and a diet of mostly fresh, raw foods will leave you feeling younger and very alive, and the OSCAR living juicer is one of the few juicers on the market that will efficiently juice wheatgrass, so for more information on compact juice recipes, juicer Greenstar NZ and power juicer NZ please go to .