Don't Wait For the Holidays To Get The Treatment You Need From Physio Connect

Thursday 14 December 2017, 4:30PM

By Beckie Wright


The summer season is practically upon us, and at Physio Connect they urge you to get the treatment you need now, and reduce the risk of a painful holiday. At Physio Connect, everything that they do is built off the belief that all New Zealanders should have equal access to expert, specialised musculoskeletal services that utilise the latest clinical evidence and treatment protocols to produce superior results so that you can get back to doing the things you love, particularly during the summer months when you want to be as mobile as possible. 

Because healthcare is constantly advancing with new information, new techniques and more effective ways of providing treatment, the Physio Connect team strive to remain at the forefront of this field to provide you with the best outcomes in the shortest time frame because, although injury is a part of life, it’s not something that you should be putting up with or suffering through. This is why they ensure that accessing their expert services is easy and simple - no weeks or months of waiting for an appointment - because looking after yourself and your health should never be put off. 

As part of Physio Connect’s holistic and integrated healthcare approach, they utilise the knowledge, expertise and years of clinical experience over multiple allied health professions to provide you with the most effective treatment plan that is tailored to meet all of your specific musculoskeletal healthcare needs. More than their qualifications and skills, their staff share a passion for patient-centred care and want to see you happy and out of pain as much as you do. 

Physio Connect’s team of physiotherapists, podiatrists and acupuncturists have further training in a variety of fields ranging from clinical pilates and personal training to exercise science, dry needling and injection therapy. Combined with additional facilities like their on-site gym, they focus on both treatment and prevention to improve both baseline recovery, and importantly, your long-term summer health.

To find out more about Chinese acupuncture, Northcote physiotherapy, Browns Bay, Stanmore Bay, Birkenhead physio and physio Milford please go to .