Waimarama residents reminded to conserve water
Residents in the coastal township of Waimarama are being reminded of the need to conserve water as the region begins to dry out.
The Waimarama springs are the primary source of water for the township. The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council regulates the amount of water which the Hastings District Council can take from the springs and streams to keep the reservoir topped up. The water supply comes under severe pressure each summer and we have to impose restrictions to ensure that the supply does not exceed the volumes that we are consented to take.
Councillor Tania Kerr says “Reducing the demand for water now can have major benefits later in summer. Council staff will be monitoring the daily water use and undertaking inspections throughout the summer period in order to maintain a high profile on water conservation. Council wants to work alongside the community to achieve compliance with Hawke’s Bay Regional Council consent conditions.”
“The supply is most vulnerable during the Christmas and New Year period when holiday makers flock into the settlement. Local residents and holiday makers are being asked to be extremely vigilant in their use of water to ensure the supply is available at all times over the summer period.”
Tania Kerr says “There are some really simple measures that residents can take that helps enormously with water conservation. Boaties in particular, need to minimise the amount of water they use for washing boats. Residents are also urged to be conservative in their use of water inside the home by limiting the length of time taken for showers, fix any leaking taps and not leaving taps running unnecessarily.”
An irrigation ban will be put in place in Waimarama again this summer. The ban applies to the watering of gardens and lawns from the mains supply. The date when the ban is implemented will be well publicised and all residents are asked to obey the rules to ensure the water supply to the town can be maintained throughout the summer holiday period.
For updates and the latest figures on daily use go to: http://www.hastingsdc.govt.nz/water-use-monitor#waimarama
Note: Sufficient water will be maintained in the reservoir at all times in case of fire.