Land Use Recovery Plan for greater Christchurch

Environment Canterbury

Monday 26 November 2012, 2:48PM

By Environment Canterbury



Environment Canterbury has received a direction from the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister, Gerry Brownlee, to develop a Land Use Recovery Plan for greater Christchurch.

Commissioner Peter Skelton says Environment Canterbury welcomes the opportunity to develop the plan together with its strategic partners, and to include the wider community in that process.

“This plan is vital to facilitate earthquake recovery,” Professor Skelton said. “There is an urgent need for greater certainty regarding land use and infrastructure in greater Christchurch.

“Significant investment decisions that are currently being made, including by the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team and by the three territorial authorities, will be assisted by the plan.

“In addition, the needs of people and businesses seeking to locate and relocate are pressing, and the plan will provide focus for decision making in this area.”

The recovery plan will respond to the impacts of the earthquakes on residential and business land use, and provide a platform for transitioning from rebuild to longer term planning.

“The focus will be on ensuring provision for a diverse range of housing types; infrastructure and transport is integrated and connected to land use; centres of activity are supported, and consideration of natural hazards underpins land use decision making,” Professor Skelton said.

The plan will identify the location, type and mix of residential and business activities within specific geographic areas that are necessary for earthquake recovery, and make changes necessary for earthquake recovery to residential and business land use policy and planning provisions and related funding instruments.

Professor Skelton said the partners will be talking with key stakeholders before Christmas. A consultation document will be available for public input and a series of workshops in early 2013. A draft recovery plan will be presented to the Minister by the middle of next year, when he will call for written comments before considering the draft plan.

For the full text of the Minister’s direction and related information, go to The strategic partners are the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, Environment Canterbury, Christchurch City Council, Selwyn District Council, Waimakariri District Council, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and the New Zealand Transport Agency.