Big Day in at Whangarei Library
Whangarei Library is staging A Big Day In this Saturday (1 December) to celebrate everything that’s great about our libraries.
"We will be bringing books alive with craft demonstrations: sewing with Natalia Partridge and creative knitting with Suzn," said Childrens Services Librarian Sue Scott.
"Try flax weaving in the Maori Room or have your portrait done by local artist Deborah Gillespie. Listen to guest speakers on travelling the World and on poetry with Vaughan Gunson reading from his latest book ‘This Hill, All it’s About is Lifting to a Higher Level’."
Mrs Scott said Careers New Zealand and Migrant Services will be there along with community groups The Whangarei Community Men’s Shed and Toastmasters who will be giving first hand information about what they do.
Members of the New Zealand Genealogical Society will be offering a wonderful opportunity to learn about researching family history.
Anyone bewildered by e-readers, iPads and Kobos can seek expert help and learn how to use Press Display and access more information on the Internet.
"For children we will be honouring New Zealand author Margaret Mahy with a special Preschool Funtime of song and dance, storytelling in the grotto under the stairs, crafts and face painting. Budding young artists can enter A Lion in the Meadow competition. Teens can challenge their friends with old fashioned board games," Mrs Scott said.
All this – plus live music performed by Massala playing an entree of Middle Eastern and Scandinavian music, harpist Helen Ton, Celtic music from Whangarei Folk Club and Tauraroa Area School duet, Amy Burns and Enya Finlayson.
There is something for everyone, so come along to explore and discover there is so much more in your library and be in to win a Kobo eReader.