Three Schools aim for Environment Awards

Thursday 29 November 2012, 3:00PM

By Marlborough District Council


Ellish, Aimee and Anna with Spring Creek School's newly enclosed strawberry wall.
Ellish, Aimee and Anna with Spring Creek School's newly enclosed strawberry wall. Credit: Marlborough District Council


The winners in the Marlborough School Environment Awards will be announced by Deputy Mayor Jenny Andrews at a presentation ceremony at the Marlborough District Council tomorrow.

Three schools have entered projects this year and the judges – DOC community relations ranger Clare Duston and Environment Awards co-ordinator Bev Doole – were impressed by the knowledge, enthusiasm and understanding shown by the children.

Spring Creek School fundraised and built a wire enclosure around their edible garden to protect it from unwanted visitors (birds and humans) so they can harvest and prepare the produce they grow. They have also planted a new native tree area to attract tui and other wildlife.

Springlands School is focusing on water quality and the Taylor River. Their message has already spread with other schools taking up their Fish on Drains project to keep paint, oil and chemicals out of the waterways, and writing poems to be displayed along the river.

Renwick School has come up with a plan to restore the school creek which is “an overgrown, sludgy, rubbish dump clogged with weeds”. They are working with their neighbours to clean up the creek and plant the area to make it an attractive place for people to enjoy.

There is $1000 in prize money to be won tomorrow, with projects being judged on community contribution, pupil and public participation, environmental benefit, sustainability and innovation.