Comments on Sumner's Draft Village Centre Master Plan needed by 12/12/12

Christchurch City Council

Monday 3 December 2012, 3:21PM

By Christchurch City Council



Residents, property owners and business people have only ten days left to comment on the Draft Sumner Village Centre Master Plan for the rebuild and recovery of their village centre.

The final date for public submissions is 5pm on Wednesday, 12 December 2012.

Joint Advisory Group (JAG) Chairman David Cox says over 100 people were welcomed to the drop-in sessions to discuss the Plan’s content with Council staff and members of the JAG.

“The positive feedback we received at the drop-in sessions was very encouraging. People are really getting involved in the future of the area and are keen for their comments on the Plan to be heard.”

Mayor Bob Parker says it is vital that people make the time to have their say on the Plan, as their comments will help the Council to understand their views.

“There has been a steady stream of submissions on the Plan coming in and we expect this to build as the closing date for comments approaches. People are letting us know what they think – this information will ensure good outcomes that will work for the community; and help build investor and community confidence in the area.”

Comments can be made:

online at Have Your Say

emailed to
posted to

Draft Sumner Village Centre Master Plan
Freepost 178
Draft Sumner Village Centre Master Plan
Strategy and Planning Group,
Christchurch City Council,
PO Box 73012
Christchurch 8154


hand deliver your submission to Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street.


Draft Sumner Village Centre Master Plan
Draft Summary Sumner Village Centre Master Plan
For more information visit: