Holidaymakers urged to save water in Akaroa

Christchurch City Council

Wednesday 5 December 2012, 1:49PM

By Christchurch City Council



This weekend (Saturday 8 December) heralds the start of level one water restrictions for the Akaroa community and visiting holidaymakers.

The restrictions mean people with odd-numbered street addresses can water outdoors on odd-numbered days, and those with even-numbered street addresses can water outdoors on even-numbered days.

Council City Water and Waste Manager Mark Christison says with more and more holidaymakers heading to Akaroa over summer, a huge seasonal strain is placed on the town’s stream-fed water supply.

“Akaroa locals are used to water restrictions – it’s second nature for them at this time of year. However, those who spend their holidays in the area also need to be aware of the restrictions, be responsible and conserve water as much as possible,” he says.

Water restrictions in Akaroa are likely to be lifted in March or April 2013, as visitor numbers decrease and cooler weather returns.

The water restrictions apply to Akaroa, but Banks Peninsula residents and visitors are asked to conserve water in general and be mindful of water use when washing cars and boats and irrigating gardens.

Mr Christison says the Council is monitoring water levels on Banks Peninsula and, as with other years, it is possible the level of restriction will need to be increased at some stage. Any changes will be advertised on signs in Akaroa, through public notices in the Akaroa Mail and the Christchurch Press and on the Council’s website.

“We’re also asking Christchurch residents to keep up the great effort made last summer and to use water sensibly when watering the garden.

“While 12 months of hard work repairing water pipes, wells and pumps means Christchurch’s infrastructure is in a much better state than this time last year we all need to be sensible in our use of water in the garden,” says Mr Christison.


What do water restrictions involve?

Level 1 - people with odd-numbered street addresses can water their gardens on odd-numbered days of the month, and people with even-numbered street addresses can water on even-numbered days of the month.
Level 2 - hand-held garden watering only.
Level 3 - hand-held garden watering only on alternate days.
Level 4 - all watering banned.

How will I know when the water restrictions in Akaroa have been lifted?

Lifting of the water restrictions will be advertised in The Press and the Akaroa Mail. It will also be indicated on the signs in Akaroa or see or call (03) 941 8999 or 0800 800 169 for Bank’s Peninsula residents.

What are some things I can do to conserve water?

There are many ways to conserve water, but they all start with you. The greatest impact on the water supply is water used for gardening.
- Limit garden watering (especially during hot and windy weather).
- Use mulch around plants.
- Use a bucket instead of a running hose to wash vehicles and boats.
- Take short showers instead of baths.