NZ joins Global Alliance against child sexual abuse online

Thursday 6 December 2012, 1:53PM

By Judith Collins


Justice Minister Judith Collins has joined with representatives of 48 countries in Brussels at the Ministerial launch of the Global Alliance against child sexual abuse online.

The Global Alliance aims to eliminate legal loopholes exploited by the distributors of child abuse material, strengthen efforts to grow the Interpol international database of child abuse material, and make it easier to initiate joint cross-border police investigations.

“Online sexual abuse of children knows no borders and child pornography circulates easily across countries.

“I have been delighted with the enthusiasm and commitment displayed by all 48 countries in joining the Alliance.  It’s critically important we work together to hold those who prey upon our children to account.

“Earlier this year I announced the Government’s plans to increase the maximum penalty for possession of child pornography from five to 10 years imprisonment, and to update our existing laws to keep pace with advances in technology.

“We are targeting those criminals who physically abuse children, take pictures or videos, and distribute these over the Internet. Recipients of child pornography do not just possess the pictures – they support child abuse by engaging in its dissemination.

“We need a global approach to ensure that offenders are prosecuted, that victims receive the support and protection they require, that child pornography is eliminated as much as possible, and that we raise awareness of the risks posed by these activities online for children.

“The Global Alliance will strengthen our resources to identify more victims of child sexual abuse, and ensure that they receive our help and support. We must bring more perpetrators to justice and fight the distribution of child abuse material online,” Ms Collins says.