Local government efficiency taskforce report released

Wednesday 12 December 2012, 3:30PM

By David Carter


The report of the Local Government Efficiency Taskforce released today is an essential building block of the Government’s reform programme, says Local Government Minister David Carter.

The independent Taskforce was established earlier this year to look at improvements to local government consultation, planning and financial reporting practices.

Mr Carter says the Taskforce’s report will feed into the Better Local Government reform programme which aims to bring clarity to the role of councils, stronger governance and improved efficiency.

The first step in the programme, the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill, was passed by Parliament recently.

“The Taskforce report provides a good steer towards stronger council decision-making and more effective community engagement. This includes improving the purpose and content of long term plans in order to make them more meaningful to the community,” says Mr Carter.

“I thank the Taskforce members for their hard work which certainly reflects their depth of experience as elected representatives and at governance level.”

View Local Government Efficiency Taskforce report here