Draft New Brighton Centre Master Plan available for public comment

Christchurch City Council

Monday 17 December 2012, 3:07PM

By Christchurch City Council



The Christchurch City Council today released the Draft New Brighton Centre Master Plan for public comment. The Council-led Plan has been prepared to support the recovery and rebuild of New Brighton’s centre in response to the damage caused by the earthquakes.

The Plan is available Monday 17 December 2012 to view in any of the Council’s open service centres and libraries. It is also available online at

The final date for written comments is 5pm on Monday 18 February 2013.

City Planning Unit Manager Brigitte de Ronde says consultation will be open for two months – this is to give people as much time as possible to make submissions over the Christmas break and into the New Year.

“Local businesses, building owners and residents have put a lot of thought, time and energy into identifying the issues and opportunities for the centre and we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to provide feedback.

“Among the many ideas shared, people are keen for the size of centre to be looked at along with how it functions. They also identified the need for a stronger connection between the centre, the sea and the river. The Plan introduces some ‘big picture’ themes such as the consolidation of the centre to help make it a viable retail destination; and new pedestrian and cycle routes to, through and around the centre,” she says.

Mayor Bob Parker says this is a bold Plan that delivers some really inspiring options for the people of New Brighton, and visitors to the area.

“Integral to the Plan is a well-developed vision that captures the need for positive change and development in the centre. The Plan looks at ways to revitalise the centre with well-designed public spaces, a new north-south road thought the mall and the concentration of activities closer to an upgraded Marine Parade which includes the possibility of an indoor entertainment hub.

“I believe the Plan’s vision for the centre will be the catalyst for an exhilarating phase of development for New Brighton – making it a place with special character and appeal; alive with cafes and restaurants, shops and businesses,” he says.

Comments can be:

  • made online at
  • emailed to
  • posted to

                Freepost 178
                Draft New Brighton Centre Master Plan
                Strategy and Planning Group
                Christchurch City Council
                PO Box 73012
                Christchurch 8154

  • or hand-delivered to Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street.


The Council is also holding drop-in sessions where people can view the Plan, discuss its content with Council staff and make submissions.

Come along anytime to one of the drop-in sessions and have your say:
Saturday, 26 January 2013, 10.30am–2pm
Wednesday, 30 January 2013, 3.30pm–7pm

Burwood/Pegasus Community Boardroom, corner Beresford and Union streets New Brighton.

For more information visit