Hastings skatepark fundraising closes in on target
A strong response from a wide range of organisations has ensured that the fundraising target for the development of an inner city skatepark in Hastings is within reach.
William Nelson Park will be constructed on 6000m2 of land bordered by St Aubyn Street, King Street and Avenue Road and will incorporate a passive park, a children’s playground and a skate plaza that includes the latest and most innovative designs. Council has committed $850,000 to the project and sought fundraising and sponsorship for $394,000.
Councillor Sandra Hazlehurst says “We are extremely grateful to the large number of businesses, charities and schools that have answered our call to contribute to the funding of this awesome new park. Council set a target of $394,000 for the construction of the skate plaza and we are now within $83,000 of achieving that goal.”
Sandra Hazlehurst says “Additional support has come from Sport Hawke’s Bay who, through their KiwiSport fund, has provided funds to enable the provision of an on-site coaching and mentoring programme for users of the skatepark at key times, 365 days per year. This programme will be provided by experienced and trained staff from Atomic, who will also act as guardians of the Park. In addition, a management group has been established with key representatives of the community including Sport HB, District Health Board, Atomic, Hastings Police, Directions, along with parents and skaters, who meet regularly to ensure that provisions are in place to ensure this new park is a successful and safe place for young people to meet.”
Sport Hawke’s Bay Chief Executive, Colin Stone says “The aims of KiwiSport funding is to help provide more opportunities for kids to participate in sport and active recreation opportunities and to develop better skills. Through the provision of expert on site coaching the new skatepark facility offers a unique opportunity, particularly for those youngsters keen to try out and get better at a non-traditional, but fast developing sport. We are excited about partnering this project.”
Sandra Hazlehurst says “The project team is also in the final stages of negotiation for a key corporate sponsor, and I am extremely confident that the fundraising target will be met. It is an exciting project for the community with the passive park and children’s playground being of enormous value to shoppers in the CBD while the skatepark will become a focus for BMX riders and skateboarders from throughout the district.”
The tender documents for the construction of William Nelson Park were released late last week.