Countdown on for Summerdaze

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Wednesday 19 December 2012, 4:08PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



After months of planning the countdown has started for Summerdaze.

The programme for the month long festival has been delivered to residences district-wide and Queenstown Lakes District Council arts and events facilitator Jan Maxwell said it was sure to please everyone in every age group.

“We try and strike a balance every year between old favourites and brand new events, “ Mrs Maxwell said.

“This year we’ve even got an old event reformatted. We’ve had outdoor cinema before but this year’s TomTom Outdoor Movies at Remarkables Park will be something to remember.”

Mrs Maxwell said the kite making classes of the last two years had proved so popular that they were also returning.

“There’s a real joy involved in making and flying your own kite,” Mrs Maxwell said.

“These workshops are always massively popular and bookings are definitely recommended. It’s one of the highlights of Summerdaze to see everyone bring the kites they made along to the Grand Kite Display at Pembroke Park. It’s not often we wish for wind during summer but we do on that day!”

Mrs Maxwell also said that while it was important for people to have fun, they also needed to stay safe.

“Holiday time in the Queenstown Lakes District is a very exciting time and there’s a fantastic buzz around the place from New Year’s Eve onwards. We want people to enjoy this as much as possible but there are few things they need to keep in mind to ensure they don’t inadvertently spoil it for themselves and others.”

Mrs Maxwell said people needed to be aware of local restrictions like fire bans and the 24 hour liquor ban that would be in place in central Queenstown from the 27 December to 6 January. They also needed to give thought to personal safety around things like drug and alcohol abuse and transport options.

“We’re looking forward to locals and visitors alike mixing and mingling during Summerdaze,” Mrs Maxwell said.

More details on Summerdaze can be found on the website Copies of the programme can be picked up from all Council offices and libraries.