Clean up underway for Timaru oil spill
A boom is in place at Timaru Port to contain the oil spill discovered earlier today. About 40 staff from Environment Canterbury, South East Resources Limited, Primeport, Polar Cold, Sanfords and Wallace and Cooper Engineering have be working since midday to contain the light fuel oil that leaked from a boat.
“The team have been removing oil from the water and expect most to be gone by this evening,” says Environment Canterbury Regional Harbourmaster Jim Dilley. “The boom will remain in place overnight to catch any oil missed under the wharf; any further oil will be removed tomorrow.”
Mr Dilley adds that today has seen a good cooperative approach from many local operators in response to the oil spill.
“While the response is being managed by the spiller and they are using their own equipment to clean it up, as Regional On Scene Commander I am keeping in close contact with them to monitor the operation.”
At this stage the focus is on the clean-up process. Once that is done, there will be an investigation. Right now, however, the top priority is to lessen the impact on the environment as much as possible. There have been no reports so far of marine life being affected.
Environment Canterbury will continue to monitor over the next few days. At this stage the name of the vessel will not be provided.