Entries to the Long Term Plan 2013-2022 photo competition close next week
Entries to the Christchurch City Council photographic competition - to find an image that will appear on the cover of the Council’s Long Term Plan - close on Friday 1 February 2013.
The Council encourages photographers to submit images that show the city’s people and places in all seasons. It might be capturing our city in a snow storm, a yacht race on Akaroa Harbour or the delight of an audience as it watches a World Buskers Festival performer.
The image on the cover of the Long Term Plan is intended to depict the sort of place residents want to live in now and how they would like to see it in the future.
The Long Term Plan sets out the activities and services the Council intends to provide, and how these are to be funded. A draft will be available for community consultation in March, before sign-off of the final Long Term Plan in late June.
Competition details
There are two categories:
people – families, cultural and social events, and
places – greenspace, buildings, suburbs and the Central City
- Photographers must submit a digital image of a person or a place in Christchurch and the Banks Peninsula area.
- The photo must have been taken after 1 January 2012.
- Photographers should consider images from all four seasons.
- Photographers may enter up to five images each.
- Entries close at 5pm on Friday 1 February 2013.
For further information, or to enter online visit www.ccc.govt.nz/capturingchristchurch
Under Section 93 of the Local Government Act 2002, local authorities must prepare a long-term plan every three years, looking 10 years ahead. The Council’s last Long Term Plan was adopted on 30 June 2009, but due to the earthquakes the Council was allowed a year’s grace before preparing its next one, which will be for nine years only