Rangipo Prison: 'Prison doesn't want people to know' - Exclusive reports

Saturday 30 March 2013, 6:02PM

By NP Linked Taranaki



EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Late yesterday recieving many tip-off's regarding a riot at Rangipo prison which we were told involved three prisoners on top of a roof.

Although no more infomation was released on the incident, however in the last thirty miniutes has been told that the Corrections department are trying to keep a lid on it and there is 'more to this this than meets the eye' investigated into this comment on our first article and we can confirm from our investigations that 11 men are now being transferred to the D Block at Auckland's Prison "apparently as punishment for the Tongariro protest over deteriorating prison conditions and inhumane treatment." said one report.

"Prison disorder has been brewing nationwide over the last year & Corrections has been trying to keep a lid on it . There maybe needs to be an independent enquiry , because things are happening inside that most people would be horrified or at least disturbed about " one person told

We have been advised that there is no effective independent systemic review of New Zealand prisons unlike Britian.

We were told by a police officer that emergency services were advised of the incident late last night but it is unknown if they attended the scene. will continue to investigate.