International Visitor Arrivals to New Zealand: March 2013
International Visitor Arrivals to New Zealand is produced by Statistics New Zealand and sponsored by Tourism New Zealand. It is a monthly report that includes detailed tables and graphs of monthly and annual data showing the number and characteristics of visitor arrivals. Most of the data is presented by country, for a selection of major source countries of visitors to New Zealand.
Visitor arrival data comes from Statistics NZ's International Travel and Migration dataset. This dataset is derived from information contained in electronic records supplied by the New Zealand Customs Service, as well as from arrival and departure cards completed by passengers.
This report contains statistics on short-term overseas visitor arrivals, defined as overseas residents arriving in New Zealand for a stay of less than 12 months.
Available files
International Visitor Arrivals to New Zealand: March 2013 (PDF, 91 pages, 485kb)
International Visitor Arrivals to New Zealand: March 2013 – tables (Excel, 56 sheets, 2.94mb)