NZICA and ICAA give CER a boost: Proposed new trans-Tasman Institute for Chartered Accountants

Tuesday 7 May 2013, 3:18PM



The New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia (ICAA) gave Closer Economic Relations between the two economies a boost today with a proposal for a new trans-Tasman Institute.
The two Institutes, which are the custodians of the Chartered Accountant designation in their respective countries, today jointly released details of a proposed new trans-Tasman Institute for consultation with their members over coming months.
New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants President Liz Hickey FCA said the announcement marks a major milestone in the histories of the two Institutes as well as their close trans-Tasman relationship.
“While we didn’t orchestrate this proposal to coincide with the 30th anniversary of CER, it is a good reminder that both countries have been collaborating in the interests of better business for many years.
“The proposed New Institute will have the scale to significantly improve the education offering and tools that members access from their Institute, while also enabling the sharing of knowledge, and insight amongst members on both sides of the Tasman,” said Ms Hickey.
Ms Hickey’s counterpart ICAA President Tim Gullifer FCA echoed her comments.
“Our members – and the businesses they serve – on both sides of the Tasman will benefit from a larger and more sustainable Institute with greater scale, increased policy formulation and advocacy capability as well as global influence. It will have the critical mass to offer enhanced training, professional development and global business connections.
“We recognise that the memberships are likely to get increasingly diverse. The timing for the establishment of a New Institute is right. We need to stay ahead and further strengthen the brand and services we offer to members,” added Mr Gullifer.
Both Institutes will be consulting with members in coming months and, if there is widespread support, members will vote on the proposal later this year.