Auckland's Funkiest Mum Found in East Auckland
A regular trip to Botany Town Centre provided Auckland mother Michelle Sutton, with more than she bargained for and a pleasant surprise. While Michelle’s husband and three children shopped for her fortieth birthday present, Michelle was spotted for her fashionable style as she perused the shops.
Botany Town Centre and More FM recently held a campaign to find Auckland’s Funkiest Mum and Michelle proved she had the funk! Fashionable mothers seen at the centre between 29 April and 5 May had their photo taken by Botany Town Centre’s resident blogger Britney Hazeldine and the More FM team. The photos were then uploaded to the More FM website, giving public the opportunity to vote for the most fashionable mum.
“I’ve never won anything in my life, so this is really exciting,” says Auckland’s Funkiest Mum, Michelle. “As this was the day before my fortieth birthday, it felt very timely. I’m thinking of using the gift cards I won to get a special piece of jewellery to remember my fortieth and this special and unexpected recognition by.”
Michelle has not only won the title of Auckland’s Funkiest Mum, but also $2,000 worth of gift cards to spend at Botany Town Centre. More FM said the campaign received a lot of interaction, with more than 2,500 visits to the voting pages.
Botany Town Centre senior marketing manager Desiree Clark says it was no easy task picking the funkiest mum.
“There are a lot of very stylish mothers that visit Botany Town Centre, so we had a lot of fun with this campaign,” she says. “Michelle’s style jumped out at us and the public agreed she has a great sense of fashion. Botany Town Centre is the home for fashion and we love being able to provide such a great range of stores to our shoppers.”