Serious Assualt

Saturday 22 June 2013, 7:06PM

By elisa walters



PLEASE HELP...we are seeking any witness to a serious assault that occurred on the evening of the 11/06/13 corner Main Road and Wairaki Place Whangamata at approximately 8.30pm.


My husband was set upon by 3 females and 2 males the offenders are known to the victim and live in Whangamata due to the serious nature of his injuries I would imagine they will be charge as his injuries are very serious.
This could of been a protential murder as 2 of the offenders being the Mother and Son was to seriousally hurt or kill the victim due to legal reason we can't name them but if you saw anything contact the police.

I'm sure someone knows or heard of this serious assault these people live in your area. We are desperate to get these people off your streets so they can't do it to anybody else

This assault was initiated by the the eldest of the females being the mother, her 20yr old and 13yr old daughters and her son whom is in his early 20's. As for the other male involved he was a friend of the family who held my husband down while the other 4 threw numerous punches and kicks to his head and body. This is a prime example of parenting gone seriously wrong.