Deon Swiggs to Seek Labour Selection for Christchurch East

Community advocate and founder of Rebuild Christchurch is the first candidate to officially seek nomination in the Christchurch East By-Election, for the Labour Party.
Deon Swiggs says he has made his decision after having spoken with a large number of residents in the east from all walks of life about the qualities they want in their representative in Parliament.
“It is clear people want empathy, transparency, honesty, a willingness to listen and someone to stand up for them. These attributes are absolutely aligned with what I stand for and offer, and I believe I have a great deal to offer the Christchurch East electorate,” he says.
Swiggs adds that outgoing MP Lianne Dalziel has been an amazing MP through incredibly difficult times and following her departure he will continue to work closely and effectively with the communities in the East.
“Putting myself forward for nomination creates an opportunity to revitalise and reenergise the MP role in the East, with a fresh face committed to the long term recovery and rebuild of the area.”
Deon Swiggs says he is humbled by the high level of support he is receiving from Labour members in Christchurch East in being encouraged to step up for the nomination and he will continue to build on that support and confidence in the coming weeks.
Labour undertakes a vigorous and democratic selection process for all candidates, and the selection for the Christchurch East seat will take place late September when the Labour representative for the By-Election will be chosen from the nominated candidates.