Let's give local businesses a break

Friday 27 September 2013, 11:24PM

By Malcolm Aitken



“A number of simple changes to Wellington City’s local business policy could help generate jobs and voters may want to back candidates with policies in this area,” says Onslow-Western Ward Wellington City Council candidate, Malcolm Aitken.

“Council’s done some great work in attracting investment into Wellington. Destination Wellington’s marketing Wellington and it looks promising.  In terms of international business we’ve got some great things going on,” Mr Aitken, the Labour candidate, says.

However, as unfashionable as it is to say it, existing local businesses have been somewhat left out by council and I’m one of the new faces on the hustings keen to do something about this.

“I’ve talked to a number of local business owners and I ask voters in Onslow-Western Ward who support local owned stores as well as branches of the big chains and new, overseas investors setting up shop – to consider a few simple ideas I’m promoting to help local businesses.”

·         A council portfolio dedicated to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

·         A one-stop shop for businesses: not having to go from pillar to post when dealing with council.

·         A renewed commitment to having council works that interrupt retail trade completed on time. Penalties clauses for missing deadlines can be dialed up.

·         Reduced penalties for non-payment of rates within specified time (I’m supporting this for residential ratepayers too).

“If voters want to find out more about my policies and views they can visit”