Payday Advance Have Launched Their Redesigned Website

Wednesday 16 October 2013, 9:40AM

By Payday Advance


Redesigned Payday Advance Website
Redesigned Payday Advance Website Credit: Payday Advance

A leading New Zealand short-term payday loan lender Payday Advance have launched their redesigned website on - which now has a modern feel, enhanced content and improved navigation.

A team of web designers and developers had been working on the project for a few weeks, before the revamped layout was launched two weeks ago.

With its’ bright, but stylish white, orange and green colour scheme, the website allows for a better online customer experience. The revised design also features an improved, more intuitive menu, which makes it easier for visitors to navigate through the website and fill out the loan application forms.

To better communicate the important purpose Payday Advance serve in the personal finance market as a short-term fast cash loan lender, the website also features video testimonials from their real-life customers. Payday Advance are the first payday lender in New Zealand to have video testimonials on their website.

About the company:

Payday Advance’s systems have been providing small cash loans until next pay since 2006, and have already helped thousands of working New Zealanders.  They lend small, manageable amounts of up to $750 to Kiwis in full-time employment. The loans are then paid back over one of more (up to six) repayment instalments. Payday Advance are a responsible and registered financial service provider number FSP4441. If you have any questions, please visit or call 0800 222 577 for more information.