Local iwi bless Kupe Gas Project drilling rig

Monday 3 December 2007, 4:55PM

By Kupe Gas Project



An important milestone in the Kupe Gas Project was reached last week, with a karakia held to formally bless the Project’s drilling rig – the Ensco 107.

The karakia led by Reverend Albie Martin – a local, well known and respected kaumatua of Taranaki.

The blessing was held onboard the Ensco 107 drilling rig. Members of the 100- strong drilling crew that live on the rig joined the blessing.

Kupe Project Director Peter Ashford said the karakia was important for the Project.

“We have worked closely with local iwi for a long time and share a strong relationship with them. To have Albie Martin perform a karakia for the Project onboard the rig for us is very significant,” Mr Ashford said.

“We are grateful for the way local iwi have supported the Kupe Gas Project.”

The rig is being used to install the offshore platform jacket (legs) at the Kupe Field, before drilling of the three production wells commences.