Taranaki Daily News losing jobs

Tuesday 5 November 2013, 1:48PM

By Community Taranaki



LATEST @ 5.38PM: New Plymouth Youth In Politics can confirm that the Taranaki Daily News will be making jobs redundant.

Most paper deliverers under the age of 18 will be made redundant, effective November 16 Fairfax NZ has said. 

A letter to the deliverers follows "Fairfax has undertaken a review of our distrubution network."

"We are now confirming the decision to change to adult delivery contractors" the letter states. 

"Please be assured this decision is not a reflection of any concerns we have about your current performance"

"As a result of this decision, your current role, as it stands, will be disestablished effective November 16" 

Around a month ago we were told that a strutural review was being made, however, now we can confirm the loss of more then one hundred jobs. 

Adults on the current contract will also be made redundant, unless they are given the oppurtunity to take up contracting work which would mean the newspapers would be thrown from the windows of a car.

One deliverer we spoke with, Iziah Willetts, 16 told us he has been made redundant, effective March 31.