Adaptation is Key as Rebuild and Recovery Progresses

Media Release 11 November 2013
Adaptation is Key as Rebuild and Recovery Progresses
1163 days, 3 major revisions and 10 million hits later has undertaken its biggest evolution to date.
Known as the “voice and ears of Christchurch”,’s Version 4.0 of its website is a whole new identity which has been developed to service the communities of Christchurch through information sharing and ideas for the next phase of the recovery and rebuild.
As organisations, businesses, authorities and people become more targeted in their recovery work, it is important that their identities are strongly represented, says Deon Swiggs.
The logo, in the form of two R’s shaped as speech bubbles, represents two way conversations with the colours representing the many different aspects to the rebuild. A diverse two way conversation is what will ensure Christchurch is rebuilt for the people, says Swiggs.
“I am proud of the evolution of It has taken an organic growth and has played a big part in supporting many people through both the website and the activities of our Foundation,“ he says.
The site redevelopment includes a clean black and white design to give clarity of voice and ensure that representation of contributors is easily recognised.
“Collaboration and Working Together” appears to be the new theme for Christchurch, particularly since the recent Christchurch City Council elections and Swiggs says the changes on reflect this, improving the ability for anyone to post information and share it effectively.
With sections of the site such as Your Story and Eastern Visions, the site encourages people to share their thoughts and experiences. As before people are able to create a free profile to then list their business, network and post articles to help inform Christchurch.
“There are many more ideas which will further improve the function of the site and these will be rolled out over time,” says Swiggs. “Just as many of us adapt as the recovery continues, so will”
About Rebuild Christchurch
Rebuild Christchurch website is the longest running Earthquake related One-Stop-Shop information website which supports Christchurch by collecting and distributing information on government, business and not for profits.