Xbox enlists sharks to guard Xbox One

Wednesday 13 November 2013, 3:10PM

By Pead PR


Xbox SharkTank
Xbox SharkTank Credit: Pead PR

At midnight on November 21 New Zealand will be the first country in the world to launch the Xbox One. Until then, the highly-coveted device will be closely guarded by 20 of the most fierce predators known to man – sharks.

At 8:30am (13 Nov.) the first Xbox One console was placed in the shark tank at Kelly Tarlton’s SEA LIFE Aquarium. It will be housed there until the official New Zealand launch event where at one minute past midnight one lucky fan will be the first person in the world to officially receive an Xbox One console at global launch time.

Never before has a gaming console been so eagerly awaited – or more safeguarded.

Kelly Tarlton’s 20 resident sharks are babysitting the valuable Xbox One for one week, during which time Xbox fans are invited to come and behold the device. The Aquarium’s seven-gill shark is famous for pack hunting and is easily able to take down 350kg fur seals on its own, and out-swim dolphins and kingfish. While the sand tiger shark’s fearsome appearance is equal to its frightening reputation – the magnificent hunter feeds by sawing though its prey before gulping down its dinner.

Xbox One launches globally on Friday 22 November. In New Zealand, Xbox is throwing a party for the hundreds of people who have pre-ordered an Xbox One from EB Games. This invite-only event takes place at Auckland’s Shed 10 on Thursday 21 November following the Vodafone New Zealand Music Awards, of which Xbox is a Gold Sponsor.

Xbox One:

Xbox One is where the best games, multiplayer, and your favourite movies, music, sports and live TV come together in one place. Xbox One games look and feel incredibly real, with cinematic gameplay that rivals Hollywood. Watch TV or chat with friends on Skype while you play, and keep on playing while smarter matchmaking happens behind the scenes. With Xbox One, you can snap two things side-by-side on your TV, and switch from one to another instantly. Cloud-powered and built for the digital age, Xbox One is designed to keep getting better over time.