Harvard University selects Auckland Airport for exclusive exhibition
Harvard University Graduate School of Design has selected Auckland Airport among the best airports in the world for an exhibition highlighting excellence in landscape architecture.
The exhibition titled ‘Airport Landscape: Urban Ecologies in the Aerial Age’ celebrates the work of landscape architects that highlight the symbiotic relationship between cities and airports.
Exhibition curator and Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at Harvard University, Dr. Sonja Dümpelmann, says the success of the Auckland Airport project is founded in the historical and cultural influences of the landscape design.
“We selected Auckland Airport because it exhibits a design where the airport on the landside seeks to foster a regional and national identity, in this case by using local agricultural patterns and planting features characteristic of the cultures of the indigenous and European settlers.”
The Auckland Airport designs exhibited are by renowned New Zealand architect James Lord of Surfacedesign Inc. The San Francisco-based firm has had significant input in Auckland Airport’s programme to transform The District at Auckland Airport to provide an enhanced experience for visitors, Aucklanders, airport employees and the local community.
Peter Alexander, Auckland Airport’s general manager property, says it is gratifying to have the airport promoted internationally by such a distinguished institution, as well as to see people making use of the new landscaped surrounds at The District.
“We gave careful consideration to the designs behind every initiative within our transformation programme and we’re seeing visitors and people who work at The District really starting to enjoy our new facilities. It’s fantastic to have The District recognised and showcased by Harvard University. It is also well-deserved recognition for James Lord as the creative mind behind the work, who has been a key partner in this journey.”
Since 2008, Auckland Airport has invested more than $260 million on airport commercial development with new facilities opened in 2013 including the Outdoor Gallery and Runway Mountain Bike Park. Further new projects underway include walkways, cycleways, a children’s playground, playing fields and a dramatic landscaped entranceway to the airport on George Bolt Memorial Drive.
The exhibition runs until 19 December 2013 at the Piper Auditorium in Cambridge, Massachusetts. To view the exhibition pamphlet visit http://issuu.com/sienascarff/docs/airportlandscape_exhibition and for more information on The District at Auckland Airport, visit www.venturehere.co.nz.