Greentree ERP Software: The best business remedy

Wednesday 18 December 2013, 4:22PM

By Greentree International


New Zealand’s medical regulator is operating fit and healthy, with Greentree’s help.

The Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) manages the annual re-registration of more than 14,000 doctors nationwide. For obvious reasons, it’s an exacting process. It also once meant lots of time-consuming paperwork to ensure not only that the registrations were completed correctly, but also that the registration fees were collected.

When MCNZ decided to put its registration system into a modern database, the fee management issue was one problem easily solved – the Council had had Greentree as its financial and job costing system since 2001, and building an interface with the new MedSys registration system was a simple task.

“MedSys is the backbone of 90% of what we do and Greentree plays a crucial role behind the scenes,” explains MCNZ’s Corporate Manager, Peter Searle.

Greentree’s job costing capabilities also play an important role in the Council’s complaints procedure, while Peter makes extensive use of Greentree’s reporting functions.

“I’d definitely recommend Greentree to other organisations like ours,” he says. “It can do everything you want and the benefits are really huge.”

Read more about the Medical Council’s Greentree success here >>