Public furious over New Plymouth window washing incident
BEFORE READING: Watch the video of the incident here.
On the night of January 16 window washers in New Plymouth city were out and about washing windows happily until Craig Huffam came along in his van, New Plymouth Youth In Politics reports.
Mr Huffam went up to the set of lights on the corner of Leach Street and Elliot Street at around 6pm and was approached by a window washer who asked him if he wanted his windows washed however what happened next, wasn't what the window washer was expecting.
Youth In Politics understands that Mr Huffam who is the owner of Izzy's Pies said no and told the group to **** off, yelling abuse.
Unfortunately the abuse being given from Mr Huffam was soon given back and Craig Huffam decided to get out of his vehicle and confront the 15 year old sparking an even larger heated arguement.
Coincidentally two New Plymouth District Councilors were going past at the time, Shaun Besiek and Murray Chong elected late last year.
Youth In Politics understands both Councilors got out of their vehicles at around the same time, some time later Mr Chong began recording when the boys became more angry.
A 17 year old male who was supporting the 15 year old window washer had an argument with Mr Chong before resisting arrest when Police finally arrived.
However that didn't stop Craig Huffam from getting the last say, the video Mr Chong uploaded shows Huffam helping police hold the 17 year old boy to the ground, and then twisting one of his fingers which some members of the public are saying was assault.
Murray Chong since took the video down after it went viral on the internet and attracted the attention of national media, also around the same time there were calls that it could have potentially been set up or the scene agitated by the actions of the three adults Chong, Besiek and Huffam which Youth In Politics can not confirm.
Since the video was uploaded online New Plymouth Youth In Politics has been following developments and there is many views.
A comment which caught the attention of most on lookers to our page was from Mayoral candidate Chris Wilkes who comments on the video "The guy has a point, he needs to put food on the table and options are limited for unskilled youth today."
"...would we rather them committing crimes or being in jail?.. I think not. I am suspicious of the fact that a leading advocate for their removal happened to be on hand to film this. Also saying "well done" to a guy who got out of his vehicle and aggressively confronted this guy isn't helping.."
"...simply getting rid of window washers does not solve the problems that their presence is reflective of. There are many in our community who are struggling to survive with increasing financial pressures and their options are very limited..
"We need actual solutions for a positive outcome, sweeping them under the mat with an 'out of sight, out of mind ' mentality is not a solution."
What was shown on our page was that the public was concerned with the window washers and that, support for them was out there.
One person Youth In Politics spoke to said the 17 year old involved in the video has been asked to join numerous businesses since the video was uploaded.
New Plymouth Youth In Politics Facebook liker Lisa McMullan comments: "Who is the bully in the yellow t-shirt who shoved the guy on the ground when he was backing away from him. I hope he is charged with assault."
"If anyone shoved me to the ground like they'd get a punch in the face from me as well and typical to see the gang in blue rushing in and man handling young men who are loaded with testosterone and throwing them to the ground before any dialogue has occurred. "
"I am so pleased this was videoed and I think it reflects poorly on the police and the bully in yellow."
In the video it shows the boys backing away from the older adults, but after a comment was made by Murray Chong an argument begins again and the 17 year old boy tries to hit Mr Chongs camera out of his hands.
While another liker Ashleigh said "Murray should really stop recording young boys, its starting to look weird"
It isn't the first time Murray Chong has put young youth to shame however and Ashleigh made that public. In 2012 Chong uploaded a video to Youtube of him telling off young ten year olds on their scooters in the CBD for breaking a by-law of scootering in the CBD.
At the time the question was asked if a ten year old would know what the by-law was and he decided to take the video down after it went viral - just like this window washing incident video.
However the comments go both ways with Hayley Wilkonson commenting "just wondering if any of these window washers have thought to make up some business cards with there earnings so while there having a quick chat they could hand one over might lead to a better job but probably too much effort and might get them an actual job"
The public has been commenting ideas for the window washers to get a better job. Numerous ideas were planted on the post, some saying they could make business cards.
Dallas Horo posts: "The "councillor" videoing this agitated the situation with the self righteous "we will do something about it" bullshit that spewed out if his mouth. The so called victim in the yellow shirt tackled the young kid first who was yes arguing but backing away being led by his mates. And yes maybe they should get a real job but if they're not breaking any laws window washing then?!"
But at the end of the day it all comes down to the investigation. An investigation is taking place into the incident that occurred.
The 17-year-old was charged with common assault, assaulting police, and resisting arrest.
The 15 year-old was charged with disorderly behavior likely to cause violence and will be referred to youth aid.
The man in the yellow, Craig Huffam will have no charges laid against him.
For more on the window washing incident or anything politics like New Plymouth Youth In Politics on Facebook.
If you want to see the video click here.