Andrea Moore Fashion Fix Frenzy

Thursday 26 June 2014, 11:48AM

By Starseed



On June 28th the De’Longhi Group Showroom will hold an Andrea Moore Pop up Fashion Fix sale from 10am – 2pm.

This exclusive designer sale will have all the elements to make your day perfect; free De’Longhi barista coffee, MayaVanya from George FM providing beats and delicious baking from the De’Longhi Group Showroom kitchen.

The sale will feature unique samples from the current and unseen upcoming collections as well as back stock from past seasons.

Andrea Moore says, “It’ll be a great day. The De’Longhi Group Showroom is such a fantastic space, a perfect location to take some time, relax and play dress-ups. I can’t wait.”

With beautiful fashion and a coffee fix - what more could you ask for!

About De’Longhi Group Showroom
A premium walk-in concept space showcasing a gallery of the finest European appliance leaders alongside a fully functional demonstration kitchen. De’Longhi, Kenwood and Braun have come together to create a truly engaging way of experiencing world-class products, with expert advice from an on-site brand ambassador, public tutorials and ongoing creative events. Free rooftop parking available.

The De’Longhi Group Showroom
99 Khyber Pass Road
09 915 7287
Opening hours Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm