Monday 23 March 2015, 5:35PM

By Tuatara Natural Products



A little pill is providing an exciting answer to one of the world’s greatest and fastest growing problems: Obesity.

After four years and $12 million of laboratory and clinical research by New Zealand’s Plant & Food Research and Blenheim’s Tuatara Natural Products, it was discovered that a blend of its natural grape and kiwifruit extracts had exciting potential.

Their research showed that specific bio-actives slowed down the rate of digestion of food, and through delivery to a specific section of the intestine at the right time, people felt full after eating less. The creation: Satisfax® capsules.

Dr Kevin Sutton from Plant and Food Research says the Satisfax® extracts “were amongst the most potent inhibitors of the amylase enzymes involved in digestion of food carbohydrates that we found amongst the 900 natural extracts we tested”.

They believed that meant people would eat less, snack less and lose weight.

To prove it, the team called for volunteers for the “100 Fat Mates” clinical weight-loss trial through Tuatara’s home town paper in Blenheim.

Within three days, 400 people had enrolled on Tuatara’s website, representing over two per cent of Blenheim’s population aged 18-60 years old.

“The world is clearly looking for weight-loss products which are proven to work,” says Tuatara director Neil Charles-Jones. “We were very grateful for the fantastic response from the Blenheim community.”

Dr Glenn Vile, Tuatara Natural Product’s Chief Technical Officer says the aim of the trial – designed by independent clinical specialists, with the format and protocol approved by the Ministry of Health ethics committee – was to examine whether the Satisfax® capsules would lead to weight loss when taken regularly over eight weeks.

Participants accepted into the trial were healthy individuals, 18 to 60 years of age, with a BMI between 30 to 40. Participants were asked not to change their diet, exercise or their lifestyle.

Most reported eating less of the same food and were now able to exercise. Of the 52 triallists who took the recommended dose for the full eight weeks 46 lost weight, averaging close to 3kg, with the top 26 losing an average of 5kg. Two lost over 10kg.

“The success of Satisfax® as a weight management tool is beyond our expectations,” Dr Vile says.
“Satisfax® did not work for everyone, but overall we can be very confident that - for most people – Satisfax® has proven to

be a very valuable tool to assist weight loss and weight management.”

One 100 Fat Mate participant Louise says: “I have tried every diet, diet shake and pill out there from Lemon diets to cabbage diets and nothing worked until now. What is more amazing to me is that it seems such a simple concept. You feel fuller so you eat less. No other pill or shake I have tried has even come close to that except Satisfax® and I recommended it to everyone that asks.”

Independent bio-statistician Professor Chris Frampton analysed the results of the clinical trial.

“Trial participants who complied with the recommended dose lost an average of 2.9 kg over the 8 weeks, with the maximum loss being 13.3 kg,” Professor Frampton says.

“The 95 per cent confidence interval for the mean weight loss is 2.1 kg to 3.7 kg, indicating that on average a weight loss of at least 2 kg occurs.”

Prof Frampton also reported that 84 per cent of all participants planned to continue with Satisfax® after the trial to manage their weight.

Director Charles-Jones remains upbeat: “Satisfax® has real potential to be another fantastic story of the development of a New Zealand solution to a global problem.”


For more information please contact:

Dr Glenn Vile
Tuatara Natural Products
Phone: 021 734 706


Note: While almost all of the participants found Satisfax® easy to take and 84% planned to continue taking the product, some participants experienced a feeling of nausea after taking the capsules, particularly in the morning on an empty stomach. Dr Vile believes this is because the capsules are specifically designed not to dissolve in the stomach (as do the majority of capsules) and the presence of hard capsules on an empty stomach was the probable reason. Fortunately, many found this resolved itself over time, some reduced their intake to one capsule before each meal, and a small number withdrew from the trial as a result.

Week 1

“I find personally that it has definitely suppressed my need for sweet / sugar. Wine used to be a big downfall for me and I really do not want it any more. Alcohol no longer seems as appealing, which is great. I feel full after eating whereas I would struggle to get full before.” - Raylene of Blenheim

“Easy to take, no nasty side effects. Definitely has curved my appetite. Yay, something that works at long last.” - Sandra of Blenheim

“I was skeptical at first as to how it would work...I am not now! I instantly felt fuller for longer, meaning less picking and snacking in between portion sizes have cut’s great. Really impressed and happy :-)” - Emma of Blenheim

Week 2

“Definitely feeling the benefits of Satisfax this week. Now learning to serve up less than I was, and completely surprised how satisfied I am feeling with my meals without feeling stuffed and overfull. Am also shocked at the fact that I'm not feeling the need to graze between meals (I used to mindlessly do it, and now I mindlessly don't do it!). Amazing product and definitely feeling motivated by it. More energized!” - Jude

“Nice to see a weight loss after 2 years of trying. Amazing that I haven't really changed my eating habits as such but still had a weight loss.” - Alicia of Blenheim

“I'll be very happy indeed if I continue to lose half kilo a week for 8 weeks!”- Robyn of Blenheim
“This is an easy product to take and by getting into good routines I am loosing the weight. Yipphee” - John Y of Blenheim

“I've definitely noticed I'm not eating as much, or overeating. Treats are quickly becoming just a treat, not every day food, as I don't feel so tempted to over indulge.” - Sarah of Blenheim

Week 3

“Love it - have lost almost five kilos in three weeks starting to eat smaller portions and maintaining energy levels throughout the day.” - Steve of Blenheim

“I really didn’t believe it would work. I’m a big eater but blow me down. I am eating less, I’ve had an even weight loss - not huge like other people but even, so yes it works. thank you.” - Lyndon of Blenheim

Week 4

“Love how easy it has been and I have great energy levels and am feeling really well. Love it.” - Kaye of Blenheim

“I have found that it has reduced my appetite/serving size and severely reduced my sugar cravings which I constantly battled with prior to taking Satisfax. I have changed nothing other than adjusting to the new serving size that satisfys me, and have lost 1.2kg in a week. I'm thrilled!!!!” - Rachel

Week 5

“It does make a difference to my appetite. Not always looking for lunch or dinner as I used to. Still like to get off to a good start with a balanced breakfast.” - Paula

Week 6

“I am sitting here submitting this report, just about in tears (of joy). I KNOW this product is working, and I’m feeling the effects of it in every way. My energy levels are up. I have a spring in my step. My clothes are getting looser (instead of clinging to me!). I am feeling on top of the world, and seeing results each week keeps the motivation levels high. Thank you so much for such an amazing product.” - Jude

“On my way home every morning from work my car always seemed to end up at the supermarket to get my sweet fix. not missing it at all!” - Sandra of Blenheim

“Love it. Had someone notice I had lost a bit of weight! Yahooooo” - Penny T of Blenheim

“I have now lost 2 kgs and have noticed that my appetite is lessened. I have discovered that my issues were portion sizes and boredom.......when I'm bored I find myself looking in the fridge and nice that I now realise this and can apply some self restraint. I measured my waist and bust at the beginning of this process and have lost 2.5cm from each so far, the measurements gave me greater hope!!!” - Rachel

“I am eating less, going to the gym more and even though the weight doesn't seam to be moving I am losing centimetres - so I'm happy.” - Tina of Blenheim

Week 7

“They still make me feel full, they continue to be effective.”- Dorothy of Blenheim

“Wonderful product – can’t recommend it enough. People I haven't seen in a while could not believe how much I have lost for really little effort.” - Brenda of Blenheim