Oh, Crop! Improving Your Farm's Water Usage with Proper Bore Drilling and Irrigation

Friday 10 July 2015, 1:53PM

By Carlyle Drilling



Farmers face new challenges and opportunities every day. They always manage to find something to worry about, whether it is with planting the seeds, nurturing the crops, or harvesting it. Most will agree, however, that water is the main concern throughout the year.

Irrigation plays an important role agriculture. However, it also poses a few problems for the environment and the local community. As one report puts it, more than 27 billion cubic metres of water is consented to be taken from New Zealand’s rivers and aquifers each year. This will be used to meet the growing demands of towns, cities, agriculture, industries, and hydroelectricity.

Some regions across the country are approaching water resource limits, as the supply cannot keep up with demands. This can affect economic opportunities for farmers and everyone.

The best way to deal with this water problem is still to manage irrigation properly. For farmers andothers involved in agriculture, this means being meticulous about your whole irrigation system, from the bore drilling to the maintenance and upkeep.

Carlyle Drilling, a local well drilling company in New Zealand, is one with other organisations in advocating the proper use of irrigation systems and water supply for farms and other sectors.

The best way to conserve is still to use the limited resource efficiently. For farms, a three-step plan can give you the basics on coming up with an efficient irrigation.

Know as much as possible about the crops you grow and how much water they need. Growers need to remember that the water requirement of crops depends on things like the day’s temperature, wind during growing season, growth stage, rooting depth, and residual water on the soil surface. These should help you calculate how much water the plants need.

The soil also plays a factor in improving irrigation efficiency. Different types of soil have varying water holding capacity and how fast the water can penetrate the soil. This also includes knowing the field, particularly its area and slope. Water can be wasted when there is too much runoff from the field.

By far, most water wastage happens because too much water is applied to the land. Minimise this and drilling for and conserving water will not be a problem.Professionals from can offer more information and services to help in drilling for water and putting up an irrigation system.