Top tips for your business website

Tuesday 18 August 2015, 11:26AM

By Little Waka


Digital is a growing part of Little Waka's offering, with an increasing demand for responsive websites, content management, e-commerce and digital marketing. It is important for all businesses to not only embrace, but get excited about the growth prospects digital has to offer.

A website that looks great and communicates easily is always a great sales tool. First impressions count and we don’t often get a second chance online. Here are a some top tips to remember when developing a website for your business:

  1. It’s not all about the website. Your business brand is as much a priority as a good website. Take time to develop your brand strategy and how you want to be perceived in the marketplace. Your website is just one important tool for your business and should reflect your brand and business ethos.
  2. Get the basics right. A user-friendly interface, intuitive layout, prominent call-to-action and minimal load times are all important to keep people on your website and engaged. Have a website that is clear, interesting and reflects the type of business you have.
  3. Be responsive. A responsive website is a site that can be viewed on any device whether it’s a computer or mobile device. The way to test if a website is responsive is to view on your mobile and check if the layout changes to be easily viewed on your device? Users rely heavily on their devices to find reputable businesses and will often leave a site if it is not mobile friendly. As of April this year Google’s recent algorithm update has given search engine priority to responsive website, so a business with a responsive website will get a better page ranking than a website that is not responsive.


About Little Waka:
Little Waka is a digital and print design company offering a range of design services for start-ups and established companies. Our approach  is methodical with the end result being quality work that communicates effectively. For information visit