Give your brain a boost with Swisse Stress Support, Inner Balance and Mood Ultiboost

Monday 25 July 2016, 10:07AM



Swisse Mood, Inner Balance and Stress Support
Swisse Mood, Inner Balance and Stress Support Credit: Swisse

There’s so much more to wellness than staying physically fit & eating well; it’s also about looking after your mental health. 

Our mental & physical dimensions depend on each other, and keeping our bodies balanced not only helps us fight physical ailments, it ensures we stay mentally fit.

Give yourself a brain boost this winter with Swisse Stress Support, Inner Balance and Mood Ultiboost.

Swisse Stress Support

Backed by Withania, one of the most revered and widely used of all Ayurvedi herbs, Swisse Stress Support helps the body manage tension during times of physical and emotional stress, and helps to promote a health nervous system, keeping the body’s physical responses to stress working at their best. RRP $34.95


Swisse Ultiboost Inner Balance

Looking after yourself gets extra tricky when you're weighed under with stress. The Swisse Ultiboost Inner Balance helps to maintain a health immune system as well as intestinal and digestive health, giving your gut the daily does of anything it might be missing out on. Best of all, it doesn't need refrigeration like most probiotics. RRP $39.95


Swisse Mood Ultiboost

A product that keeps your mental balance in check, helps calm nerves + support your body’s natural response to emotional stress, helping to maintain a healthy mind + mental clarity. RRP $29.95