Getting your Home Winter Ready

Tuesday 18 July 2017, 3:00PM

By Adam Jay



In New Zealand, we are not blessed with the greatest winter weather. Frosts, rain and wind are a part and parcel for most regions throughout the winter months; however, you do not have to suffer the cold in your own home. In fact, there are a number of cost-effective solutions to make your home warmer this winter.

“Many older homes in NZ are typically poorly insulated”, says Mike Bronkhorst, director of Warkworth building company DuraBuild Construction.

“Checking how well your home is insulated and then taking action to improve it is not an expensive endeavour. In fact, the money you will save through decreased use of heating over time makes it a smart investment”.

EECA’s Healthy Homes programme offers grants for ceiling and under floor insulation. These grants are available to homes built prior to the year 2000 and cover up to 50% of the installation cost, depending on the tenant or home owner’s income. The Auckland Council also offers a retrofit your home scheme which allows up to $5,000 of financial assistance to insulate a home.

Another simple way to keep your home warmer in winter is to check doors and windows for  any cracks, gaps or poor sealing.

 “Roughly 25% of warmth is lost through gaps around windows and doors. Inspect your home for loose caulking, torn weather stripping, and gaps where doors and windows meet frames”, say Bronkhorst.

“You should also look to trim any hedges or trees that are stopping sunlight entering the home – natural light is very effective in keeping a home warm and dry”.

Taking these simple steps to improve the warmth and dryness within your home is not only wise from a comfort and energy saving standpoint, but it also ensures lower maintenance costs.

“Investing in creating a warmer, dryer home will not only improve your quality of living, but it will make your property much less prone to dampness and deterioration”.

 “Creating a warmer, dryer home means that your rental property will be less prone to dampness and deterioration”.