Gear Up For Summer At Watercraft World Supercentre

Monday 4 September 2017, 2:08PM

By Beckie Wright


If you have recently joined the ranks of jet ski enthusiasts, you may not yet know about Watercraft World Supercentre, unless that is, you bought your jet ski from New Zealand’s premier jet ski centre. There have been some fresh changes at Watercraft World Supercentre, since they ‘jumped in the deep end’ after taking over the company just over a year ago. 

Since the changeover, the new team at Watercraft World faced a challenging first summer and definitely came out on top as far as their customers are concerned. With a new look business, new staff and a new location, they experienced a really exciting interaction with the enthusiasm of their new customers and, as they are keen to point out, they are not about to slow down! This means they have lots more exciting ideas and more fresh changes are on their way.

The Watercraft World team don’t just sell jet skis. They are keen to be there for people who already have a jet ski, but are maybe not really happy with it. In other words, there may be something you would like to fix or add to it, or maybe time has moved on and there are new features available on newer models that you think you might like. Similarly, you may be thinking about upgrading, and Watercraft World are there to help you with their huge range of jet skis which are arriving on the showroom floor every week. 

So, time to start thinking about whether you would like to fix up your present jet ski, or whether you want an upgrade. Where are you going to get your jet ski from for next summer? Why, of course, Watercraft World, so to find out more about their jet ski service, jet ski accessories and the Yamaha Waverunner please visit the website at .