Get a Free VoIP & Communications Assessment For Your Business!

Friday 6 October 2017, 10:21AM

By Real IT


If you are reading this post it is my guess is that you’re considering upgrading your phone system to VoIP sometime in the near future. To help you avoid making any mistakes and to help you navigate the endless number of choices, tech talk, conflicting advice, and confusion…

Our team would like to offer you a FREE VoIP and Communications Assessment for your business.

This is an opportunity for you to get to chat with an expert who will answer all of your questions and determine which phone system is best for you based on YOUR specific needs, budget, Internet connection and existing network. It is our promise to you that you will only get straight answers to your questions and we will NOT try hard-sell you a phone system. Our goal is to help you make the BEST decision for YOUR BUSINESS. We want you to make a decision that you’re comfortable with and that will actually deliver what you want. If our system turns out to be the best option for you, we’d welcome the opportunity to serve you. If not, we’ll always give you our best recommendation and refer you to other trusted companies and or solutions. That’s how we do business at Real IT and build solid trust-based relationships with all our clients.

At the End of Our Free Assessment, You’ll Know:

  1. The amount of money you will save by switching to VoIP. In most cases, we save our clients between 10% and 50%. But most importantly, you’ll have the full picture of ALL costs factored in as a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), not just your phone-bill savings, which is what most other VoIP salespeople focus on to avoid talking about other costs involved in moving to their system.
  2. Whether a VoIP phone system will work correctly in your specific business environment. As you know, every office and network is different, so it’s critical that you get a thorough assessment of your entire network, including your bandwidth and Internet connection, firewall, system use, the volume of calls, features you need, etc., by an experienced network technician.
  3. If your Internet connection and network configuration will allow you to use a VoIP phone without problems. We’ll do a complete analysis of your current Internet connection and computer network to determine if you have sufficient bandwidth to operate a VoIP system without issues, and to look for any other factors that may negatively impact a VoIP phone system from working properly.
  4. What the best phone system is for you and your business. Our discovery process helps identify exactly what features you will need now and in the future based on how YOU do business. If you’re running a call center, you will have different needs to someone running a legal practice. If you have remote workers and a sales team that travels extensively, there are features that can help you keep these employees connected. Do you want to record calls coming in for quality and training purposes? Does your front desk get overloaded with calls during certain times of the day or year? Do you absolutely need to have your phones answered live? Would you like to have your voicemail messages sent to your inbox or typed out? These are just a few of the features available.

BONUS: How to leverage your phone system to increase sales, lead conversion and customer happiness. As part of our comprehensive communications assessment, we will discuss ways to streamline and automate customer interactions with your business.

Click here to get started 

or check out our website to find out more