Overwhelming interest in new flower show for Auckland

Tuesday 18 December 2007, 4:23PM

By Manukau City Council



Interest in a replacement event for the Ellerslie International Flower Show from potential event organisers, sponsors, exhibitors and the community has resulted in Manukau City Council and the Auckland Regional Council (ARC) considering options for the future.

Both councils have indicated their interest in retaining a show at the Auckland Botanic Gardens in Manukau, and expect to call for a Request for Proposal in the New Year.

Manukau Mayor, Len Brown, and ARC Parks and Heritage Committee Chair, Sandra Coney, say both organisations have been inundated with emails and phone calls from people interested in seeing a replacement show stay in the Auckland region.

“Manukau City Council is working with the ARC to explore opportunities going forward,” says Mr Brown.

“The show has been a source of pride not only to Manurewa and Manukau as a whole, but it now seems that a replacement event could have the backing of many potential exhibitors and sponsors.

“Whilst we can’t say yet what a replacement event would look like, we can say that we are keen to see something in Manukau, preferably next year.”

Cr Coney says the Auckland Botanic Gardens is a high profile site, and the ARC is keen to see it utilised.

“By working with Manukau and, if need be, other councils in the region, we believe there is potential to hold a replacement event at the Gardens.”

A business case identifying the potential benefits of a replacement show and associated risks, plus a draft Request for Proposal will be presented to both councils in early February.

It is anticipated that the Request for Proposal will be sent out to interested parties immediately after approval from the councils.