Agile Project Delivery & Leadership at IMNZ

Wednesday 28 February 2018, 8:12PM

By Beckie Wright


Agile leadership is one of the Project Management courses offered by IMNZ (Institute of Management New Zealand), and their Agile leadership course is a framework for project delivery and success. Whether you have just wondered about agile project management or dipped one toe in, this course will give you the core skills you need to deliver better projects faster using an agile mindset and framework.

You can delve into what being agile really means, how it differs from traditional delivery and leadership models, and the skills and behaviours required to be successful in a changing environment. Collaboration and interaction are key. You’ll gain hands-on experience in bringing some core techniques to life as well as learning important principles and concepts, and thousands of project managers and leaders are already taking advantage of the benefits agile has to offer.

IMNZ provide an active two-day course with a mixture of presentations, group practical activities and case studies, and at the completion of the workshop, you will be able to understand what Agile is, and what it isn’t, appreciate the Agile Manifesto, Principles and Values, understand the potential benefits of Agile delivery and be able to ‘speak’ Agile, knowing what Agile jargon and acronyms really mean. You will also be able to review traditional delivery methods and success/failure stats and practice popular and proven Agile techniques.

The course will also allow you to identify appropriate approaches (Agile isn’t always the best way), discuss traditional vs Agile leadership, and understand shared competencies, plus Agile adaption of skills and behaviours. You will learn how followership is just as important as leadership, and you will embrace a   collocated, collaborative environment to learn practical lessons from the course leader and your classmates.

This course is for anyone wanting to learn more about Agile, and how to gain the benefits of implementing an Agile delivery framework and leadership approach, and anyone on a project team, or responsible for project delivery, and for leaders in an organisation that is transitioning to Agile.

Your employer will also benefit because as well as understanding the underlying principles and values of Agile, and you will take away practical  and practiced techniques so you can enhance delivery as soon as you return to work.

For more information on short courses, management courses and project management courses please go to .