Improve Digestion with NatureBee Power Pollen

Thursday 27 September 2018, 2:08PM

By Beckie Wright


NatureBee Power Pollen capsules promote efficient digestion that is essential to good health. The company has special offers on these capsules. The Power Pollen Power Pack (three-month supply) is available for 1 person (200 caps), 2 people (400 caps) and the Family Pack for 3 people (600 caps).

NatureBee believes digestion problems often go undiagnosed because these complaints are not considered serious. Symptoms such as gas, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, belching, flatulence, indigestion, weight gain, irritable bowel syndrome, the feeling of always being hungry are so common that they are considered normal. Poor digestion equals a sluggish bowel that can retain kilos of old toxic faecal matter that can take its toll on our immune system and eventually leads to more serious disease. 

The nutrients in NatureBee Power Pollen  act as antihistamines and ease inflammation in the digestive tract. The Vitamin C in the capsules also helps the gastrointestinal tract to rid itself of toxins produced during food digestion. NatureBee contains Vitamin A, B1, B2, C, D, E & K; folic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and more.

The 100% natural supplement supports every single aspect of health and wellbeing. It’s called a superfood with good reason as there is virtually no other substance on the planet that has as many naturally occurring nutrients. The benefits of all these nutrients are almost endless. Weight for weight, pollen contains more protein than red meat, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, and that’s just for starters. With almost every single vital nutrient known to man, bee pollen is one of nature’s most amazing superfoods.  

The first thing that will improve is energy levels. NatureBee Power Pollen gives sustained energy from early in the morning until the end of a busy day. NatureBee is pure plant pollen collected by the honey bee – the genesis of all plant life. It’s a natural tonic loaded with 27 vitamins and amino acids, 28 minerals and powerful antioxidants. It contains beneficial carbohydrates and fatty acids, enzymes and micro-nutrients that will feed every cell.

NatureBee is better than store-bought raw pollen because of their unique potentiation process that cracks open the tough cell walls of the pollen. This process doesn’t add anything artificial, it simply makes the raw pollen far more digestible (or bio-available)

NatureBee Power Pollen is perfectly balanced by nature. It is a raw, natural food that will re-energise and rejuvenate. All the pollen capsules are sourced from a well-established New Zealand supplier.

The raw pollen is in turn collected from apiaries in New Zealand and in China, predominantly on the Liaodong Peninsula in the northern part of the country. The New Zealand-sourced pollen is used to serve the New Zealand market, while the pollen sourced from Northern China is used in their products elsewhere.

Regardless of origin, all their pollen meets the  high New Zealand food and safety regulatory standards administered by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). The pollen we use from both countries contains the same core natural nutrients, providing the same benefits to all consumers.