Zen Detox Say Willpower Alone Doesn't Work For Addiction

Wednesday 30 January 2019, 3:02PM

By Beckie Wright


“I’m going to stop relying on drugs or alcohol this year.” Done. You’re a changed person. Recovering from a drug or alcohol problem isn’t as easy as making a New Year’s resolution. It takes time. It takes perseverance. It takes determination, and it takes the help of Zen Detox’s care facilities and services.

Drug and alcohol addiction recovery happens through a series of positive changes, including addiction recovery treatment. When multiple, small changes accumulate, recovery can be accomplished over time. If you are going to make a New Year’s resolution, resolve to lean on loved ones for support. They may not fully understand what you’re going through, so it’s easy to feel alone and abandoned. If you have friends or family who are reaching out to help you, however, don’t push them away. Make an extra effort this New Year to pick a select group of loved ones who you can lean on for support, and don’t be afraid to do just that. Confide in them. Allow them to help you. This is one small change that can have a huge impact on your recovery.

Similarly, you can resolve to take responsibility for your own actions and intentions.

It’s time to stop blaming others. You alone control your actions and intentions. You make your own decisions. Understand that every good or bad decision you make is a result of your own doing, not someone else’s.

Zen Detox care facilities and services are dedicated both to the individual and the family. With a deep understanding of how devastating addiction can be, affecting not only the individual, but the whole family and everyone involved, treatments focus on achieving the holistic wellness of their clients. It is their ultimate goal to help all of you to get your life back and achieve that much desired well-being, living lives free from the shackles of addiction, so call them today and put your resolutions into action, and for more information on rehab Auckland, drug rehab Auckland, alcohol dependence and drug and alcohol treatment go to .