Tackle E-Waste Safely with Divers Group

Thursday 28 February 2019, 9:57PM

By Beckie Wright


Divers Group’s e-waste unit is taking on the challenge of managing electronic waste in New Zealand by providing safe disposal services.  The company follows the international and local regulations for safe disposal of electronic waste and uses only accredited E-waste recyclers.

Electronic waste or E-waste describes discarded electrical or electronic devices. Used electronics which are destined for reuse, resale, salvage, recycling or disposal are also considered E-waste. Every New Zealander creates an average of 19 kilograms of e-waste a year. That is 89 million kg per annum. According to the Ministry for the Environment that number is expected to rise to 26.9 kg per person by 2030. E-waste is the world’s fastest-growing waste stream, according to the United Nations.  Informal processing of E-waste in developing countries can lead to adverse human health effects and environmental pollution. For too long, metals such as mercury and lead found in computers and other E-waste have been buried in landfill, leaving the toxins to leach into the ground and waterways.

Divers Group specialise in the logistics of delivery, deployment, relocation and decommissioning of IT systems. They are specialists in secure IT Asset Disposal to provide safe, legal and responsible disposal, reuse and recycling of computer equipment and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

They promote the reuse of used IT assets and aim to maximise the value of redundant computer and IT equipment, helping reduce the cost of computer disposal and recycling and protect the environment. In many cases they can provide their clients with a financial return through remarketing the used equipment. Where the items have no market value they can ensure the items are e-wasted ethically – with less than 5% making landfill.

The e-waste issue is also making news as the organisers of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games have recently revealed that the 2020 medals will be made entirely of recycled electronic waste. A project, which kicked off in 2017, has been collecting electronic waste such as old smartphones, cameras and laptops to gather enough gold, silver and bronze metal for the Olympic medals. The committee set a target to collect 30.3kg of gold, 4,100kg silver and 2,700kg of bronze from the Japanese public. By November last year, 47,488 tonnes of discarded devices had been collected, with the public handing in another five million used phones to a local network provider.

Businesses that need help in tackling redundant office equipment and finding an ethical provider of these services will services from Divers Group beneficial. For ICT assets that have no re-sale value, the company sends them to their accredited partners who disassemble and sort the parts for recycling. The partners adhere to best practice and certifications which includes ISO9001, Eco Warranty, Basel Permit and membership of the Sustainable Business Network.

For more information on data destruction, decommission computer, where to dump old computers, IT relocation and more, visit
