Eco Doors & Windows' uPVC Products Treated Against UV Rays

Monday 25 March 2019, 6:22PM

By Beckie Wright


PVC now  recognize that New Zealand has higher UV exposure than northern hemisphere countries, and when uPVC first entered the market in this country in the late 80s it was not treated to withstand the strength of the UV in New Zealand, so it quickly broke down, turned yellow and brittle. Now it is treated with titanium dioxide (the same stuff that's in house paint and sunblock) and has a 15 year guarantee from BRANZ. The profile used by Eco Doors & Windows has been being installed in New Zealand for the last 12 years, and so far has shown no signs of degradation.


uPVC is used for window frames, as it does not decompose and is weather-resistant, and will not change shape under normal weather conditions, but it can be reshaped at very high temperatures. Also, uPVC windows are more energy-efficient than those with wooden or metal frames. A clear winner above aluminium, steel and timber. uPVC never rots, flakes, rusts, fades, pits, peels or corrodes, and is specifically designed to resist the harsh UV radiation transmitted from the sun in our part of the globe.


Unlike other window and door frame materials, uPVC will not warp, peel or crack under the stress of hot weather. Many people are worried that because uPVC is plastic, it will melt when temperatures become too hot, but uPVC is made from more durable plastic than your average shopping bag. The polyurethane present in uPVC window and door frames is incredibly weather-resistant and hardy.


Lastly, and most importantly when considering the energy efficiency of your New Zealand home, uPVC window and door frames do not conduct heat. This feature offers a distinct advantage over aluminium window and door frames, which are commonly found throughout the country. No matter how much you crank your air conditioner, if you have aluminium window frames, you’re still going to feel the heat from outside, because that heat has been absorbed by the aluminium frames. It results in a massive waste of energy and expensive electricity bills. uPVC door and window frames, however, assist in keeping the cool air inside your home, maintaining a comfortable temperature even on those above thirty-degree days. With uPVC windows and doors, you’ll notice massive savings when you receive your energy bills, as you won’t have to overwork your air conditioner.


For more information on double glazing, double glazing Wellington and Wellington windows and doors please go to .