Bathroom Direct Have Advice on Steam & Condensation in Bathrooms

Thursday 22 August 2019, 12:51PM

By Beckie Wright


Condensation is all to do with temperature, air and water vapour: the hotter the water vapour, the more moisture the air can hold, which is why condensation becomes a bigger issue in the bathroom, as there's lots of steam rising from the water. Heating can stop bathroom condensation, and installing a Steam Stopper can also stop mould, paint decay and misty mirrors.

Condensation in your bathroom is caused by hot damp air from your shower mixing with cold damp air from your bathroom, and the Steam Stopper separates these two groups so that bathroom steam cannot be produced. Without using a Steam Stopper, the cold air mixes with the hot moist air that rises from within your shower, which is how condensation and steam is created in the first place. The best way to stop condensation in your bathroom is to prevent the steam being generated in the first place. The Steam Stopper eliminates this problem and is an easy Do-It-Yourself product, with a durable translucent finish, which effectively stops steam being generated.

By installing a Steam Stopper you can eliminate steam in your bathroom and therefore stop condensation forming on your bathroom mirror, wall tiles and bathroom window eliminating the need for bathroom mirror demisters. Similarly, with mould. The first step on bathroom mould removal is to remove the source of steam in your bathroom. This is easy to say and almost as easy to do. You will effectively stop the growth of mould in your bathroom by installing a Steam Stopper.

Also, simply by stopping heated air escaping from the top of our showers, we will keep our showers warmer, enabling us to lower the shower mixer control, still staying warm and saving power at the same time, and by using a Steam Stopper on top of your shower, you can keep the hot air in and the cold air out. This increases the temperature inside the shower, therefore using less hot water due to running your shower cooler.

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