All Round Safety Stress the Importance of Having an Eyewash Station Within Arm's Reach

Thursday 28 November 2019, 7:03PM

By Beckie Wright


ACC receives more than 9000 claims for workplace eye injuries each year, and many of those injured are left with long-term impaired vision and some are blinded. Workplace eye injuries cost New Zealand more than $3 million every year – a figure which does not take into account lost productivity. Providing emergency showers and eyewashes that comply with AS4775:2007 is part of the solution to mitigate the risk of chemical splashes, along with safety clothing.

The eye is an incredible piece of engineering. It detects light, converts it into impulses which the brain then interprets to shape and describe our world. Everyday we use it so effortlessly that we hardly think about it. However, protecting your eyesight and having instant access to first aid is essential. For chemical eye injuries the difference between blindness and complete eyesight recovery is a matter of seconds.

In the event of a chemical eye injury, loss of sight and acute pain will inevitably cause confusion for the injured person as the eye automatically closes and muscles tighten.  Having an eyewash station within arm’s reach and a trained workforce can in most cases ensure that an eye injury won’t be permanent.

In addition to a rapid response it is also essential that the eye is flushed for the appropriate length of time: 1-3 minutes for acids; 10-20 minutes for alkalis and 1-3 minutes for solvents and mechanical damage.

Tobin’s eyewash system from Sweden is the leading saline eyewash system in Europe and New Zealand.  The patented bottle delivers a soft, continuous flow of sterile saline for three minutes.  It contains no mechanical parts, so is easy to use, and its unique design means you’re guaranteed 100% sterile saline with no need for plumbing or maintenance. 

All Round Safety work alongside reputable suppliers and manufacturers of safety clothing and hi-vis vests, that have extensive experience in worldwide sourcing and manufacturing, and the products they source will meet or exceed the requirements of AS/NZS Australian and New Zealand Standards and/or the European CE and International Standards where applicable.

Their suppliers have developed strong and successful partnerships with many respected safety specialists recognised worldwide for innovation, market leading technology and quality, so for more information on waterproof work boots please go to .